Sunday, 18 May 2008

Getting very big now

Phew, only ten days to go now. Boy am I getting big. Can just about climb on my Mum's knee, any bigger and that'll be it. Cant seem to get enough food at the moment. Dont know if Mum has shortened my rations but I get more feeds each day, like elevenses and afternoon tea and supper. Maybe that's why I'm getting fat and there are no babies there after all. Just kidding, they are there honest, the little darlings are knocking hell out me now and just when I want to settle down thats when they start arguing or play fighting. Just you wait till they come out, I'll tell em what for.
What with my other half going to grade 7 and my Mum's other half going to grade 6 yesterday, well the pressure on me when I come back will be terrific. But just you wait and see. Me and Mum have got a point to prove now. It's all very well Tigi getting to a final with Kizzie, but she is having extra training at my expense so I would expect her to do something with it. When I get back, I am going to show Tigs that I am just as good as her.
No more travelling now till its all over, can just laze about and get some rest before the hard work starts.
Next posting will be with my new family I expect. So wish us well and thank you for reading my Mum's ramblings. She is more nervous than me, poor dear. Betsie

Monday, 5 May 2008

Clever Daddy

Well what can we say. Hasn't our Daddy done soooooooo well. What an example he is setting to us and we ar not even born yet!!!!!!!! He's at Vine today and we bet he gets something else. Oh the pressure we will have to live up to. But we are so proud of him. He's the best Daddy ever. Mum did look after Dad on Saturday night when Jenny, Mike's rescue BC, got rather overly amourous with him, so he ran behind her for a bit of solace. He's a one woman guy for the moment but we do hope for step brothers and sisters eventually.
We are getting bigger now and we think Mum can feel us about. She has started to produce lovely milk for us already and has nice big teats for us. We cant wait to come out and take on the world with all the lovely people that want to take us into their family. Not long now and then we can really show what we're made of. Mums a bit tired now so we had better settle down and let her have a rest.