Thursday, 30 October 2008

Moving House

We are very soon going to be leaving Wales for the sunny? climes of South Gloucestershire. Moving day is 18th/19th November, so it is very close now. Life is rather chaotic with most of the bits in boxes now. The poor dogs can find nowhere to rest their weary heads. Of course I want something and yes, Mike has packed it. Cant believe he is so organised. There is still quite a lot to do not least dismantling the dogs outdoor kennel. That is a massive job and has really to be left as long as possible. If the present weather continues though the dogs will stop indoors overnight as it is so wet and mucky in the field. They are not allowed in the paddock at the moment as it is just a quagmire. Yesterday made up for it though. We met up with Lesley and Andy and lovely Fizz Wizz at Cannock Chase for a three hour walk. The day was dry but a bit chilly. Not that that stopped the dogs. Fizz was very pleased to see us, amazing how they remember, and is now a lot more ladylike. She was very friendly and playful towards Luca not wanting to marmalise him one bit. Mind you, he has out grown her by quite a bit now so perhaps she realised that it would not be a good thing. Seriously though, Lesley and Andy have done a super job with her and also Missy and Holly probably played a part in it too. Fizz is very like Mum in colour and body shape but has lots and lots of naughty spots. She was like the others absolutely filthy on the walk but strangely she would not go in the water with the others to get clean. Does a lovely long jump. Talking of jumping, Luca has a lovely jumping action, yes I know he shouldn't be jumping yet, but he escaped from the garden, realised he may be in trouble and sailed back over the orange netting which is easily 3 feet high. I didn't know whether to be cross or praise him for such a beautiful jump. Needless to say I admired from a distance thinking this boy's gonna be good. He now has discovered tv and watches Dad and the others at Olympia avidly. Hope he's taking it all in. We had hoped to see Jackie this half term but poor thing she has injured a calf muscle and walking, running training is taboo for 8 weeks. Hope she's fit to run Thomas at Olympia in 8 weeks.
Ah well back to packing. Till the next post ta ta.

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