Wednesday, 15 October 2008

We have managed to have a couple of reunions. The first at Bromsgrove where Jo, Glen, Del, Betsie and two pups, Fizz and Luca all met with the resulting photo. Jenny took many with the youngsters being a bit fidgety, but Gt Grandad and Grandad just lay there thinking, hear we go again more photos. Del was quite keen to see Betsie but not for the reasons she was intersted in yet !!!! Considering they see so little of each other, it is nice to see them meet up.
The second get together was at Dashin' Dogs where all six Delbets were there. That was a real hoolie when they were let loose. It was as though they had seen each other just yesterday, took up where they left off. Their individual personalities are developing now but the one thing they do have in common is their strength of character. They seem to be very quick learners and eager to please. Also very loving and love to be with their respective packs. All existing pack members have accepted the pups and look on them as their own. Mike and I are so pleased at the outcome of our first attempt at breeding. Mind you having the good paring in the first place was the best of it.
Dad has really given the pups something to aim at. He has become Agility Club Grade 6 Dog of the Year along with all his other achievements. Well done Del.
Mum is now beginning to look a bit more like herself, getting her coat back and her strength. A small step up the ladder, she has won again at Agility Addicts, so now has gone up to Starters. The really encouraging bit is her increase in speed now. Last weekend her times were about 3-4 seconds faster than dogs she had finished behind a few weeks ago. I have to watch her though, as she has started to jump off the A frame contact in her eagerness to get on. That would have been a second place had she got the contact and she hesitated on the top. So a bit of work to do this winter, as well as speeding up her weaves.
Luca, well where do I begin. Not five months yet and fully house trained, actually asking to go out, Catches balls first time bringing them back, walking backwards, (Jackie's advice) his waits are incredible and he is just so smart, keen and gorgeous. We keep telling each other that he is "only a dog" but even so he just is so special. All our dogs are special but with him it is different. Possibly because we have known him from the moment of birth. He has gradually worn Tigi's resistance to play with him down. She now adores him as much as Mum and Zak. Kizzie is OK but is a bit stand offish with the pack generally. If it aint agility, forget it is her philosophy. Even the cat plays with him. He is a thinker and works things out in quite a subtle way. He still keeps the "I'm a puppy" submissive stance to avoid any untoward confrontation.
The agility season outdoors is finished for this year and it has been a good year for us in many ways. Hopefully next will be as enjoyable .

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