Well we have now gone and done it. The move so far, has gone quite smoothly. Have neighbours and a road with quite a bit of traffic now, something we have not had for over 2o years. It is nice having folk next door and most of the neighbours all have dogs of varying breeds. So there is lots of barking, dogs greeting every little sound so ours get lost in the music they all make. They are loving it here, being able to just walk down to the bottom of the garden, through the gate and straight into the Forest of Dean is just heaven for them. So much muck to roll in and the smells !!!!!!! Even the cat has settled. She came yesterday after being in the cattery for the duration and just refused to be kept indoors. So with bated breath we let her out just a day after arriving. Off she went and very soon a mieow at the back door, so let her in, only to be screamed at to let her out the front door. She then mieowed at the front door to be let out the back door. She certainly had us dancing to her whiskers. At least we know she knows how to get home which is always a bit of a worry when you first move.
It is now almost six months since the Delbets were born. The time has flown and we have been kept up to date with most of them. Luca is now bigger than Betsie by about 2 inches, but not quite as broad yet but still some growing. Apart from being useless on a lead, which is up to us never really having to need one till now, he is an absolute treasure. So loving and quite persuasive in getting his own way with the other dogs. Even Kizzie is besotted with him. He really has a lovely laid back very willing to please nature. So now we need to find some pet training classes for him to get a bit work without the others around to tempt him off. We hope to join Tuffley Agility next week so all seems to be slotting into place quite nicely. Meeting up with Tia and Maddi on the six month birthday for a few treats so some pictures hopefully to put up here. Been a bit slow with the camera of late, but had other things to do and now the time to make up. Till next time.........
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
Thursday, 30 October 2008
Moving House
We are very soon going to be leaving Wales for the sunny? climes of South Gloucestershire. Moving day is 18th/19th November, so it is very close now. Life is rather chaotic with most of the bits in boxes now. The poor dogs can find nowhere to rest their weary heads. Of course I want something and yes, Mike has packed it. Cant believe he is so organised. There is still quite a lot to do not least dismantling the dogs outdoor kennel. That is a massive job and has really to be left as long as possible. If the present weather continues though the dogs will stop indoors overnight as it is so wet and mucky in the field. They are not allowed in the paddock at the moment as it is just a quagmire. Yesterday made up for it though. We met up with Lesley and Andy and lovely Fizz Wizz at Cannock Chase for a three hour walk. The day was dry but a bit chilly. Not that that stopped the dogs. Fizz was very pleased to see us, amazing how they remember, and is now a lot more ladylike. She was very friendly and playful towards Luca not wanting to marmalise him one bit. Mind you, he has out grown her by quite a bit now so perhaps she realised that it would not be a good thing. Seriously though, Lesley and Andy have done a super job with her and also Missy and Holly probably played a part in it too. Fizz is very like Mum in colour and body shape but has lots and lots of naughty spots. She was like the others absolutely filthy on the walk but strangely she would not go in the water with the others to get clean. Does a lovely long jump. Talking of jumping, Luca has a lovely jumping action, yes I know he shouldn't be jumping yet, but he escaped from the garden, realised he may be in trouble and sailed back over the orange netting which is easily 3 feet high. I didn't know whether to be cross or praise him for such a beautiful jump. Needless to say I admired from a distance thinking this boy's gonna be good. He now has discovered tv and watches Dad and the others at Olympia avidly. Hope he's taking it all in. We had hoped to see Jackie this half term but poor thing she has injured a calf muscle and walking, running training is taboo for 8 weeks. Hope she's fit to run Thomas at Olympia in 8 weeks.
Ah well back to packing. Till the next post ta ta.
Ah well back to packing. Till the next post ta ta.
Wednesday, 15 October 2008

We have managed to have a couple of reunions. The first at Bromsgrove where Jo, Glen, Del, Betsie and two pups, Fizz and Luca all met with the resulting photo. Jenny took many with the youngsters being a bit fidgety, but Gt Grandad and Grandad just lay there thinking, hear we go again more photos. Del was quite keen to see Betsie but not for the reasons she was intersted in yet !!!! Considering they see so little of each other, it is nice to see them meet up.
The second get together was at Dashin' Dogs where all six Delbets were there. That was a real hoolie when they were let loose. It was as though they had seen each other just yesterday, took up where they left off. Their individual personalities are developing now but the one thing they do have in common is their strength of character. They seem to be very quick learners and eager to please. Also very loving and love to be with their respective packs. All existing pack members have accepted the pups and look on them as their own. Mike and I are so pleased at the outcome of our first attempt at breeding. Mind you having the good paring in the first place was the best of it.
Dad has really given the pups something to aim at. He has become Agility Club Grade 6 Dog of the Year along with all his other achievements. Well done Del.
Mum is now beginning to look a bit more like herself, getting her coat back and her strength. A small step up the ladder, she has won again at Agility Addicts, so now has gone up to Starters. The really encouraging bit is her increase in speed now. Last weekend her times were about 3-4 seconds faster than dogs she had finished behind a few weeks ago. I have to watch her though, as she has started to jump off the A frame contact in her eagerness to get on. That would have been a second place had she got the contact and she hesitated on the top. So a bit of work to do this winter, as well as speeding up her weaves.
Luca, well where do I begin. Not five months yet and fully house trained, actually asking to go out, Catches balls first time bringing them back, walking backwards, (Jackie's advice) his waits are incredible and he is just so smart, keen and gorgeous. We keep telling each other that he is "only a dog" but even so he just is so special. All our dogs are special but with him it is different. Possibly because we have known him from the moment of birth. He has gradually worn Tigi's resistance to play with him down. She now adores him as much as Mum and Zak. Kizzie is OK but is a bit stand offish with the pack generally. If it aint agility, forget it is her philosophy. Even the cat plays with him. He is a thinker and works things out in quite a subtle way. He still keeps the "I'm a puppy" submissive stance to avoid any untoward confrontation.
The agility season outdoors is finished for this year and it has been a good year for us in many ways. Hopefully next will be as enjoyable .
Wednesday, 24 September 2008
Family portrait
Tuesday, 16 September 2008
KC Names
The KC have registered the pups and apart from Luca, all first selections have been accepted. Someone has Luca as a Kennel Name so I am not allowed to use it anywhere in his KC Name. So thinking caps on and my dear other half came up with an alternative which has been accepted.
So in age order the pups are now officially
1) Mylickle Mountash Millie (Una)
2) Mylickle Deluca A Gem Of A Lad (Luca)
3) Mylickle Maddi's A Hatter (Domino)
4) Mylickle Diamond Deeba (Dotty)
5) Mylickle Mizz Fizz (Poser)
and last but not least
6) Mylickle Snap Dragon (Cassie)
Meeting up with the pups over the next two weeks so hope to put some up to date pics on soon.
So in age order the pups are now officially
1) Mylickle Mountash Millie (Una)
2) Mylickle Deluca A Gem Of A Lad (Luca)
3) Mylickle Maddi's A Hatter (Domino)
4) Mylickle Diamond Deeba (Dotty)
5) Mylickle Mizz Fizz (Poser)
and last but not least
6) Mylickle Snap Dragon (Cassie)
Meeting up with the pups over the next two weeks so hope to put some up to date pics on soon.
Friday, 12 September 2008
Life Goes On
Its a month now since last post. Life is a little less hectic only having the one pup. We have been able to concentrate on agility a bit more. There has been very little outdoor training with this awful wet summer but the odd bit of weave training for Betsie in the paddock has been achieved. She is very keen to get back to working again and is showing a bit more confidence. She has totally lost her coat and looks a bit skinny but everyone says how well she looks and has her figure back really well.
Shows have been a bit mixed this year with us doing such a lot of judging. I have had the short straw at each appointment with the wet weather whilst Mike has had sunny days each time. Not fair..... We qualified for the Team Dash Final with Gina and Carol as Maddicts A at Dashin' Dogs to add to the Laser Pairs Final at the same show. So Tigi has a first place rosette and lovely glass tophy. Not bad for a ten year old. I am so proud of her to be so reliable and still enjoying the competition at her age. In the Team Final we finished about 6th as our two grade 6 dogs both knocked a pole down, but really enjoyed the experience. In the Pairs, we finished up quarterfinalists which we were really chuffed about. Jackie had Del and Thomas in the final along with Deena's dogs. Unfortunately Del went out in the first round, but Jackie and Deena went on to win. Well done them.
Mike has found grade 6 a bit more of a challenge than 5 but is getting his head round some of the awful courses. The KC Festival had some real stinkers but it was a huge show, 18 rings, but they looked after the helpers very well. Not like Wilton who quite honestly should never get a license to run a show. They treat competitors and judges with contempt. Have no helpers, surprise surprise, and those few who do, dont even get a bap for lunch nor a thank you. I had two very willing assistants in Chris Adams as scrimer and Howard Weston as the general gofer everything. If you read this lads, thanks again. I had one other lady to pole pick and that was it. I did better than some judges. Needless to say despite their constant asking we will not be judging there again.
We have seen some of the pups since they moved on and I am so proud of them. We hope to have a 4 generation photo shoot at Bromsgrove weekend after next, providing the weather improves. Tia and Maddi wont be there unfortunately, but we will meet up with them the following week at Dashin' Dogs.
I have just used the on-line registration service at the KC and it was so easy. I was unable to get Luca's name as someone else appears to have it. So he has been registered as Mylickle Lucka, A Gem of a Lad. He really is showing great potential, very bright, full of fun and so far just lovely to have around. Do wish his Mum would not let him mither her so much though. Not too sure whether to interfere there. He is almost as big as her now and not quite 4 months old. Next weekend he becomes official with the KC ruling at shows, so it will be interesting to see his reaction round the rings. Next posting will fill in. Tea beckons so all for now.
Shows have been a bit mixed this year with us doing such a lot of judging. I have had the short straw at each appointment with the wet weather whilst Mike has had sunny days each time. Not fair..... We qualified for the Team Dash Final with Gina and Carol as Maddicts A at Dashin' Dogs to add to the Laser Pairs Final at the same show. So Tigi has a first place rosette and lovely glass tophy. Not bad for a ten year old. I am so proud of her to be so reliable and still enjoying the competition at her age. In the Team Final we finished about 6th as our two grade 6 dogs both knocked a pole down, but really enjoyed the experience. In the Pairs, we finished up quarterfinalists which we were really chuffed about. Jackie had Del and Thomas in the final along with Deena's dogs. Unfortunately Del went out in the first round, but Jackie and Deena went on to win. Well done them.
Mike has found grade 6 a bit more of a challenge than 5 but is getting his head round some of the awful courses. The KC Festival had some real stinkers but it was a huge show, 18 rings, but they looked after the helpers very well. Not like Wilton who quite honestly should never get a license to run a show. They treat competitors and judges with contempt. Have no helpers, surprise surprise, and those few who do, dont even get a bap for lunch nor a thank you. I had two very willing assistants in Chris Adams as scrimer and Howard Weston as the general gofer everything. If you read this lads, thanks again. I had one other lady to pole pick and that was it. I did better than some judges. Needless to say despite their constant asking we will not be judging there again.
We have seen some of the pups since they moved on and I am so proud of them. We hope to have a 4 generation photo shoot at Bromsgrove weekend after next, providing the weather improves. Tia and Maddi wont be there unfortunately, but we will meet up with them the following week at Dashin' Dogs.
I have just used the on-line registration service at the KC and it was so easy. I was unable to get Luca's name as someone else appears to have it. So he has been registered as Mylickle Lucka, A Gem of a Lad. He really is showing great potential, very bright, full of fun and so far just lovely to have around. Do wish his Mum would not let him mither her so much though. Not too sure whether to interfere there. He is almost as big as her now and not quite 4 months old. Next weekend he becomes official with the KC ruling at shows, so it will be interesting to see his reaction round the rings. Next posting will fill in. Tea beckons so all for now.
Tuesday, 12 August 2008
Our Lickle Family
Now that Fizz has gone to her new home we have been spending more time on a one to one basis with Luca and the rest of the pack. We were aware that she may be missed so made changes to our routine to bring him into the ways of the pack rather than the ways of the pups. He is fed along with the big dogs now and being the youngest is bottom of the heap so is fed last. No probs Mum, just as long as I get it, I'm fine. He watches in a beautiful sit till it is his turn and so far has just looked at the girls plates but not ventured too close yet!! As we have been at so many shows, he is used to sleeping in the van, so the four younger dogs are sleeping in it at home as we are away more than at home for the next two months. So far he has gone through the night and is dry, waits for us to get up with out whinging and is so pleased to see us. He wears his harness to go walking now and is so proud when he can go where the big dogs go. So the little worries we had about him missing his sisters would appear to be unfounded. The feedback from the other pups has been very positive also. So, all in all we feel this has been a sucessful venture on our part as well as extremely emotional and rewarding. Betsie is now back to competing, has her figure back and building up her stamina. We will be meeting up with three of his sisters this weekend at Dashin' Dogs if the weather does not get too bad to call it off. Mike and I with Kizzie and Tigi have the laser Pairs Final on Tuesday, so hope it is not called off. Up against Jackie and Del Boy, hope not drawn against them. Tigi got a first for our pack by getting placed at the KC Int. Fsetival last weekend. The comp was very hot so really pleased with her especially as it was her very last grade 3. Last photos of Fizz just before she went. Looking more like Mum now.
Wednesday, 6 August 2008
After the Pups

We are beginning to get back to some semblence of normality now that four pups have gone. We still have Fizz who is going to her new family this weekend after their holiday. We will miss her and I'm sure Luca will too. They have become very close being just the two of them. But they have also had the usual sibling rivalry requiring separation till they have settled down. But they have been such fun and responing quite nicely to their names, sitting for food, not biting too hard etc, etc. However, and it seems all the pups are the same, they dig, they dig and they dig. Betsie's breeder warned us of this as most of her pups go to search and rescue because they are such good diggers. Soon the minds will be switched to other things especially when Fizz goes.
Betsie is now back on the agility circuiot and doing quite nicely. Bringing her in softly, softly as she does need a bit of building up of her back muscles. She is very keen to get back into it and that is the main thing. At Derby, her first outing, in the Large gd 1 - 7 jumping in three parts, Del came second in one part, Kizzie, second in another part and Betsie 19th in the third part. So I was real chuffed considering she was just out to get used to the comp again. She got two third places at Agility Addicts last weekend and has picked up a bit at training this week. So, I am looking forward to the comp. at the KCI at Peterborough this coming weekend.
Thursday, 24 July 2008
Going, going, gone
The time has come now to say a fond bye, bye to our Lickle Delbets. The first to go was Domino, now Maddi and Poser, now Tia. It was very emotional after having seen them develop and grow from the lickle hamsters to the lickle doggies that they are now. Dotty, now Deeba has also gone to her new home and today, Una our first born now called Millie is joining her new family. So, the end of a wonderful experience with lots of memories, photos and videos to look at when the long winter nights are upon us. All the babes have gone to agility homes and we will meet up with them at shows. We will be getting updates and photos from their new owners so that we can all see how they develop. I expect there will be just a touch of rivalry but all in fun.
Sunday, 13 July 2008
At last a bit of sun

Today has been sunny all day and it was great to let the pups have a really long play in the paddock. They have learned many, many more things today, like, we really do want to get into the vegie plot, the manhole that is all rusty really tastes good, we can dig for Wales, etc, etc, etc. keeping up with them is a bit of a nightmare now. They just love doing what we dont want them to do. It has stretched our imagination to the limit trying to find ways to distract them. It is amazing what a bit of rope, old plantpots, raggers etc can be used to amuse them. We are both tired out so hope they are too. Not long now till they start to go, ah!
Sunday, 15 June 2008
What a day
There have been many steps today. All their eyes are open and beginning to focus. Play is non stop whilst they are awake, biting each other, jumping onto one another and all the lovely things that pups do. They are even climbing out of the whelping box so it is a constant excuse to watch whilst they are awake. They have taken very well to a bit of mushed up meat with ground complete mixed in. They also really get stuck into natural yogurt. It's time for the weanafeeda tonight so watch this space to see what they make of that. Luca is still the wingeing male of the pack but he is still the biggest and strongest. He is going to take some handling me thinks. But he really is a lovely boy and we are looking forward to him developing. The girls markings are fading a bit and it looks as though Domino is the only one keeping mum's colouring. The others are quite light brown now but still very pretty. Click on each photo to find out which is which.
Saturday, 14 June 2008
They have all just had their first taste of solid food. None of the cheap stuff. Cesar puppy (was all my local store had) at 72p a tin!!!!!!! How do people afford to feed their dogs on this. A 10kg dog needs 6 tins a day, that's over £4.00 a day. Well the pups wont be on this for long. It is really just a taster, soft and mushy to start them off. And boy did it work. None of this from the end of your finger lark, no, put it straight on the plate. Needless to say Luca needed seconds before he would settle. I wish he'd open his eyes like the girls as he gets lost and screams the place down like a wolf howling. You know it's him alright, but Betsie also recognises his sound and tends to ignore him. She's got him well sussed out. Maybe later he'll open up but at the moment he is just being a lazy boy.
Thursday, 12 June 2008
Big Day in the Life of The Lickle Delbets
A really big forward leap today. Firtly, as they are now two weeks old, it is time to give them their first worming syrup. I wasn't looking forward to doing it but the girls took it all with a bit of face washing afterwards. Luca however thought it was christmas and lapped it up like there was no tomorrow. he even licked his lips and whiskers afterwards. He now weighs in at 1250 gms, a bit more than the girls who are now round about a kilo. They have all had a good lick off my fingers of natural yoghurt which went down a treat. The big leap today has been that at last their eyes are beginning to open. Some with only the one eye and a blink with the other but Cassie has both open. Tomorrow should see even more opening. If so, there will be pictures on as soon as I can.
I am off training with Tigi now so Mike can puppy watch to his heart's content.
I am off training with Tigi now so Mike can puppy watch to his heart's content.
Tuesday, 10 June 2008
No eyes open yet
I had hoped to show the eyes opening today, but they are still keeping them tight closed. However it should not be long now. They have all but one, doubled their birth weight the one in particular is a right little pig. Yes it's my BOY. He is now over a kilo, can stand and walk more steadier than the girls, climbs over the crush bars and generally screams till he gets his own way. A bit of a holligan but us girls will soon sort him out. No worries what's going to turn him on to working and training. Just feed me, feed me and feed me more. Betsie is still coping very well and is very happy to leave them for quite long periods, just keeping a back glance every so oftes to make sure all is well. Feeding her is a bit of a nightmare at the moment, like every two hours and three times through the night. She is so anxious to get her food that the pups if suckling they just get thrown off very unceremonially with lots of resentful squeals. Today however, Domino did not let go and finished up on the floor still stuck on whilst Betsie carried on eating quite unconcerned. Bless Mike though, at night, he can get up, feed her and drop straight off to sleep, whereas I cannot drop off for ages and sometimes its time to feed her again. So Mike very happily does the night shift. Hope to start getting some solid gruel (is there such a thing) into them by the weekend.
Pup order of photos. Top left Poser Top right Cassie
Middle left Una Middle right Domino
Bottom left Dotty Bottom right Luca
Hopefully post tomorrow will contain eyes opening.
Pup order of photos. Top left Poser Top right Cassie
Middle left Una Middle right Domino
Bottom left Dotty Bottom right Luca
Hopefully post tomorrow will contain eyes opening.
Friday, 6 June 2008
One week on
Well the pups are a week and a day old now, and my how they have grown and developed certain skills already. Luca and the one we have nicknames Cassie (n06 and the biggest at birth) have battle royales over the favourite nipple. It happens to be the one they both want and sometimes they push and shove like two heavywaeight wrestlers to push the other out of the way. Betsie looks on quite unconcerned letting them sort it out. Neither is suffering because of this and in fact are still the heaviest of the six. But all six are gaining in relation to their birth weight so I am well pleased. It's keeping up with Mum now that's our problem. Because the baby gate is on the outer door to give her peace from the other dogs, she can come upstairs. 4 o'clock am, yes am, nudge nudge, I'm hungery. So she gets early breakfast. 6 am, nudge nudge, I'm hungry can you feed me please? I need a pee as well. 8am is our normal up time and dog breakfast, so then she has her normal breakfast. Elevenses? Yes please, but after ten'se please. So more food. Lunch? thought you'd never ask. Afternoon tea? yes please and can I have a tadge more? Tea time? well if you insist. Supper? I'll force myself. Must have a bedtime snack to see me through till the morning!!!!!!
This is our routine for now. In between we somehow manage to exercise the other dogs, feed ourselves and have a quick tidy (cat lick really) around the house. Then there is all the bedding to wash as well as our own clothes. But, it is wonderful and we are enjoying every moment. Watching the changes that are occurring almost hour by hour is awesome. The brown is coming through stronger and stonger in the girls faces and legs. Some quite tan and other bits beigey. Luca, my boy appears at the moment to be taking his Dad's colouring rather than Betsie's. That is great by us as we would very much like him to look a bit like Del. But we shall just have to wait and see. Their eyelids are beginning to flutter so we should have eyes open soon.
Betsie is quite happy to leave her pups and go for her normal walks now. She is spending more and more time out of the whelping box at home but is ever wakeful of pup sounds, investigates, and if all well, ignores. She is continueing to be a wonderful mum.
This is our routine for now. In between we somehow manage to exercise the other dogs, feed ourselves and have a quick tidy (cat lick really) around the house. Then there is all the bedding to wash as well as our own clothes. But, it is wonderful and we are enjoying every moment. Watching the changes that are occurring almost hour by hour is awesome. The brown is coming through stronger and stonger in the girls faces and legs. Some quite tan and other bits beigey. Luca, my boy appears at the moment to be taking his Dad's colouring rather than Betsie's. That is great by us as we would very much like him to look a bit like Del. But we shall just have to wait and see. Their eyelids are beginning to flutter so we should have eyes open soon.
Betsie is quite happy to leave her pups and go for her normal walks now. She is spending more and more time out of the whelping box at home but is ever wakeful of pup sounds, investigates, and if all well, ignores. She is continueing to be a wonderful mum.
Tuesday, 3 June 2008
My Babies have arrived
Thursday 29th May and what a day to have my babes. Mums first dog Kizzie had this day as her birthday so I am chuffed, honoured to have this day as another special one for my Mum.
I have had a few days of panting and restlessnes before today. Did not really know what was going on as I am very new to this sort of thing. But at ten past one, just as Mum and Dad sat down for lunch I had this urge to push and wow, I had a baby. We were so excited and Mum and Dad helped bring her, yes it was a girl, to me to see what I had produced. She was a bit of a messy thing so thought I'd better clean her up and break this thing that she was still attached to. No sooner done that when woops another push and well if it wasn't another one. I was told that this one was a boy. Cleaned him up and the mess he left behind. Gosh the pair of them are hungry. I need a bit of a rest now. In no time out popped number three, another girl and then number four. Yes another girl. Am I going to have another boy I wonder? Had a bit of a rest as I'd been at this for hour and threequarters. One more, another girl came at 3.15 and we all thought that that may be it as five had been seen on my scan. But no, one more push and this was a big one and out popped yet another girl and boy is she big. So by 3.40 I had six in all, one boy and five girls. Not bad for a first timer. I am in a bit of a mess but cleaning up as best I can and Mum doesnt seem to be cross about it. I had a bit of belated lunch and settled down to start motherhood. It was quite easy really. Ah well tomorrow will be the beginning of a new adventure for my Mum and Dad. They do seem very proud of me.
I have had a few days of panting and restlessnes before today. Did not really know what was going on as I am very new to this sort of thing. But at ten past one, just as Mum and Dad sat down for lunch I had this urge to push and wow, I had a baby. We were so excited and Mum and Dad helped bring her, yes it was a girl, to me to see what I had produced. She was a bit of a messy thing so thought I'd better clean her up and break this thing that she was still attached to. No sooner done that when woops another push and well if it wasn't another one. I was told that this one was a boy. Cleaned him up and the mess he left behind. Gosh the pair of them are hungry. I need a bit of a rest now. In no time out popped number three, another girl and then number four. Yes another girl. Am I going to have another boy I wonder? Had a bit of a rest as I'd been at this for hour and threequarters. One more, another girl came at 3.15 and we all thought that that may be it as five had been seen on my scan. But no, one more push and this was a big one and out popped yet another girl and boy is she big. So by 3.40 I had six in all, one boy and five girls. Not bad for a first timer. I am in a bit of a mess but cleaning up as best I can and Mum doesnt seem to be cross about it. I had a bit of belated lunch and settled down to start motherhood. It was quite easy really. Ah well tomorrow will be the beginning of a new adventure for my Mum and Dad. They do seem very proud of me.
Sunday, 18 May 2008
Getting very big now
Phew, only ten days to go now. Boy am I getting big. Can just about climb on my Mum's knee, any bigger and that'll be it. Cant seem to get enough food at the moment. Dont know if Mum has shortened my rations but I get more feeds each day, like elevenses and afternoon tea and supper. Maybe that's why I'm getting fat and there are no babies there after all. Just kidding, they are there honest, the little darlings are knocking hell out me now and just when I want to settle down thats when they start arguing or play fighting. Just you wait till they come out, I'll tell em what for.
What with my other half going to grade 7 and my Mum's other half going to grade 6 yesterday, well the pressure on me when I come back will be terrific. But just you wait and see. Me and Mum have got a point to prove now. It's all very well Tigi getting to a final with Kizzie, but she is having extra training at my expense so I would expect her to do something with it. When I get back, I am going to show Tigs that I am just as good as her.
No more travelling now till its all over, can just laze about and get some rest before the hard work starts.
Next posting will be with my new family I expect. So wish us well and thank you for reading my Mum's ramblings. She is more nervous than me, poor dear. Betsie
What with my other half going to grade 7 and my Mum's other half going to grade 6 yesterday, well the pressure on me when I come back will be terrific. But just you wait and see. Me and Mum have got a point to prove now. It's all very well Tigi getting to a final with Kizzie, but she is having extra training at my expense so I would expect her to do something with it. When I get back, I am going to show Tigs that I am just as good as her.
No more travelling now till its all over, can just laze about and get some rest before the hard work starts.
Next posting will be with my new family I expect. So wish us well and thank you for reading my Mum's ramblings. She is more nervous than me, poor dear. Betsie
Monday, 5 May 2008
Clever Daddy
Well what can we say. Hasn't our Daddy done soooooooo well. What an example he is setting to us and we ar not even born yet!!!!!!!! He's at Vine today and we bet he gets something else. Oh the pressure we will have to live up to. But we are so proud of him. He's the best Daddy ever. Mum did look after Dad on Saturday night when Jenny, Mike's rescue BC, got rather overly amourous with him, so he ran behind her for a bit of solace. He's a one woman guy for the moment but we do hope for step brothers and sisters eventually.
We are getting bigger now and we think Mum can feel us about. She has started to produce lovely milk for us already and has nice big teats for us. We cant wait to come out and take on the world with all the lovely people that want to take us into their family. Not long now and then we can really show what we're made of. Mums a bit tired now so we had better settle down and let her have a rest.
We are getting bigger now and we think Mum can feel us about. She has started to produce lovely milk for us already and has nice big teats for us. We cant wait to come out and take on the world with all the lovely people that want to take us into their family. Not long now and then we can really show what we're made of. Mums a bit tired now so we had better settle down and let her have a rest.
Monday, 28 April 2008
Had a good day judging on Saturday. Weather was very kind. I had over 440 dogs to judge and not a single Border Collie. It was interesting in a different way but I am very biased and think I prefer to judge BCs or WSs. Some of the Belgians and Tervs were stunning, but I think of them as collies inside with similar temperaments. But a good day after all and to crown it all Mike won Gd 5 Lg jumping. Thought at first that made Kizzie GD6 as she alrerady had a win in novice, but after consulting with the Oracle Mr Gilbert, Kizzie still need one more win. Wont be long the way they are working. Jackie with Del and Mike with Kizzie have both won their classes at the same shows so maybe at Shrewsbury they can both go up a grade. No pressure.
Betsie is now slowing down. Saving her energy for the growing pups although not showing yet apart from her nipples. Now at the half way mark so they will be here before I know it. Two more shows and then horror of horrors nothing for five whole weeks. Mind you I think I will have rather a lot to do during that time. Thought I might decorate the kitchen If I get a chance.
Betsie is now slowing down. Saving her energy for the growing pups although not showing yet apart from her nipples. Now at the half way mark so they will be here before I know it. Two more shows and then horror of horrors nothing for five whole weeks. Mind you I think I will have rather a lot to do during that time. Thought I might decorate the kitchen If I get a chance.
Tuesday, 22 April 2008
Breaking news
YESSSSS! Betsie and Del Boy have been and done it proper. Today's scan showed five lickle heartbeats beating away strongly, not bad for two first timers. The official birth of the Mylickle Pack is due 28th May.
My affix is now official, so look out for the Mylickle dogs in the future.
On the agility front, Tigi and Kizzie with a bit of help from their two oldies, Anne and Mike, have also qualified to join Del and Del, (Jackie and Mark) in the Laser Knockout Pairs Final. Great fun, but we're still puffin' a bit.
My affix is now official, so look out for the Mylickle dogs in the future.
On the agility front, Tigi and Kizzie with a bit of help from their two oldies, Anne and Mike, have also qualified to join Del and Del, (Jackie and Mark) in the Laser Knockout Pairs Final. Great fun, but we're still puffin' a bit.
Sunday, 13 April 2008
new email
I have now gone onto broad band. It is a bit faster than dial up but in the sticks it really is not much. But I suppose I can do more surfing than on dial up. New email is a-neave@sky.com. Betsie is doing well, full of herself and sooooooo confident. Wish I was competing with her now. Dont know if she is preggers yet. Will have a scan done on our return from WBSDS show. Hope it warms up a bit. Am at Wallingford also. Think need to pack lots of woolies and wet gear.
Saturday, 29 March 2008
Friday, 28 March 2008
Betsie's credentials
Betsie, posh name Highyews Eneth Cwm Gwy, yes it is Welsh and means daughter of the Wye as that is where we used to live. D O B 15-07-05
She was born up in Cumbria. Those of you who go to Lune or Barrow shows may know Sue Jones the RSPCA rehomer one of Barrows charities. It was at Barrow we met Sue and after seeing Sarah Bell and Buddie, met Betsie his little sister. It was love at first sight but so expensive. We have always had farm dogs in the past but I am getting on a bit for this agility lark (or so I thought then) so thought I'd go in for breeding.
Betsie is dual registered and has had all the following tests carried all of which are clear and saisfactory
Hips 6/9, Eye test clear, CHD, CL, and TNS clear and no carrier genes.
All her results can be viwed on the Anadune Border Collie site.
So the pair of them, Del and Betsie's pups will be clear of any genetic probs and they can be used for breeding safe in the knowledge that nothing will be carried down to them and they in turn can be used for breeding without the expensive tests having to be carried out.
There is a list for the pups but my first interest for them is the right home for the right reason. If you are interested please email me where we can arrange a chat.
She is very soft natured, very affectionate and loves agility. I, being a bit slow on my feet, have to train her to work away from me, but this is now working out very nicely. No major achievements like her other half, but steady and reliable. She has not been at a show yet where she has not had a rosette or two. Potentially if I can keep up, she will be very good next season once the pups have gone.
She was born up in Cumbria. Those of you who go to Lune or Barrow shows may know Sue Jones the RSPCA rehomer one of Barrows charities. It was at Barrow we met Sue and after seeing Sarah Bell and Buddie, met Betsie his little sister. It was love at first sight but so expensive. We have always had farm dogs in the past but I am getting on a bit for this agility lark (or so I thought then) so thought I'd go in for breeding.
Betsie is dual registered and has had all the following tests carried all of which are clear and saisfactory
Hips 6/9, Eye test clear, CHD, CL, and TNS clear and no carrier genes.
All her results can be viwed on the Anadune Border Collie site.
So the pair of them, Del and Betsie's pups will be clear of any genetic probs and they can be used for breeding safe in the knowledge that nothing will be carried down to them and they in turn can be used for breeding without the expensive tests having to be carried out.
There is a list for the pups but my first interest for them is the right home for the right reason. If you are interested please email me where we can arrange a chat.
She is very soft natured, very affectionate and loves agility. I, being a bit slow on my feet, have to train her to work away from me, but this is now working out very nicely. No major achievements like her other half, but steady and reliable. She has not been at a show yet where she has not had a rosette or two. Potentially if I can keep up, she will be very good next season once the pups have gone.
Why Mylickle
The affix My Lickle was founded by my most wonderful bitch Lucy. She was rescued from being bucketed due to having a severe undershot jaw. She was the ugliest puppy ever but she showed such bravery despite the odds stacked against her. She was a real in your face licker, hence the name My Lickle was born. All our dogs registered on the KC working register have this at the beginning of their kennel club name. Betsie being a breed BC has her breeders affix so as she hopefully is now in the early stages of pup, the name wanted for my affix has been chosen as Mylickle in loving memory of the most wonderful adoring dog anyone could want. She was one of those once in a lifetime dogs.
Thursday, 27 March 2008
The Eagles and another memorable happening
The Eagles at the O2 arena was awesome. Even the youngsters among you would have been rockin away the night. Trully a wonderful experience even though my ears are still recovering. Thinking of going to an event at O2 ? Go...... it is an experience to really remember. On other memorable moments yesterday, my Babe Betsie is no longer a virgin so watch this space for news of the patter of tiny feet. Only 62 more days to go.
Tuesday, 25 March 2008
New to Blogging
Hi All,
I am new to this blogging lark, but thought I'd give it a go.
I'm just off down to London to see the Eagles in concert at the O2, this will not mean a lot to you youngsters. :)
On route down I will be taking my baby Betsie to see her new husband Del, and hopefully in 9 weeks we will have a few bundles of joy. I'll up date you all and let you know how we get on.
That's all for now.
I am new to this blogging lark, but thought I'd give it a go.
I'm just off down to London to see the Eagles in concert at the O2, this will not mean a lot to you youngsters. :)
On route down I will be taking my baby Betsie to see her new husband Del, and hopefully in 9 weeks we will have a few bundles of joy. I'll up date you all and let you know how we get on.
That's all for now.
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